Thursday, March 19, 2020

Historical and non

Historical and non Among the problems concerning education and all the issues connected with it, one can single out two basic types of problems. The first one embraces the issues which each generation encounters, no matter how far the progress has stepped, whereas the second type of problems is, vice versa, closely interconnected with the complexities of the epoch.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Historical and non-Historical Issues in Education specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the former, such everlasting issues as cheating during test can be taken as an example; as for the latter, one of the current problems of the modern education is the price which students have to pay for it. Choosing the article which deserves being discussed widely and published in the journal, it is necessary to evaluate each of the issues. Dealing with the problem of the increasing costs for studying, the article describes the state of students who are forced to work and study at the same time in the most impressive way. Thus, the article reveals important social problems brewing in the modern society since the time when higher education has become the major asset of employees. As Martin marks, Unfortunately, the decline in student quality is accompanied by costs that are out of control, a governance system that will not permit any reallocation of resources, and a society that expects higher education to address problems that are well beyond its core competencies.† (Martin 262) Thus, it can be considered that the given article deals with an issue of paramount importance for modern students. However, it must be admitted that the given article does not suggest any way out of the problem – it merely enumerates the difficulties connected with high costs for education and defines the goals of higher education. Compared to the abovementioned article, the second one deals with the subject of lesser social tenseness. Yet the issue of the given article has raised debates since the very foundation of the educational system of the country. As you might have already guessed, the conversation touches upon the problem of cheating at exams. Old as the hills, the problem is considered both from the psychological and the practical point of view in the article. One of the most valuable features of the article is the fact that the author is not moralizing, but merely explains the consequences of cheating.Advertising Looking for article on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Using cribs during exams, students fool themselves first, the author explains. Choosing between the wish to know the subject better and to get a good mark, one must follow the common sense, not the desire to pass the exam and forget everything one has been taught. As Davis mentioned, â€Å"Certainly the stresses and pressures for good grades have not diminished during t he past several decades.† (71) It is also essential that the author tries to make students think of their future professional career and their professional authority. The author also emphasizes the moral aspect, driving an example of a doctor who used to cheat during his examinations. Thus, calling the readers to think of their future jobs and professional ethics, the author creates a vision of studying without cheating. Summarizing the effect produced by both of the articles, one could say that each of them is a valuable study in the sphere of education, yet each touching upon absolutely different issues. In spite of the fact that the abovementioned aspects of studying are both worth serious considerations, it is obvious that the first article deals with the issue demanding urgent solution. Both bearing social significance and enhancing positive changes in the sphere of education, it deserves publishing most. Once people recognize the financial problem of education, they will be able to contribute to its solution, whereas the problem of cheating is far too old to be solved in a blink of an eye. Davis, Stephen F., et al. Cheating in School: What we Know and What We Can Do.  New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 2009. Print. Martin, Edward Robert. Cost Control, College Access, and Competition in Higher  Education. Camberley, UK: Edward Edgar Publishing, 2005. Print.

Monday, March 2, 2020

9 Strategies to Make Every Day Productive

9 Strategies to Make Every Day Productive We all start off every day optimistic. We know we have to manage our time and maximize every hour available to us if we want to succeed. Trouble is, without a concrete strategy, those hours can get away from us. Here are 9  ways you can control the time available to you and make the most if it- not to mention your potential. 1. Make a planThe night before your workday, take  5  or 10  minutes to  set yourself a goal or other direction for the day to come. You’ll be more organized and effective at getting through your tasks if you’ve set an overarching purpose. You can also try projecting this plan further into the future. Don’t just plan tomorrow; plan the next month, the next year, the next 10 years! Setting an intention will keep you moving in the right direction, and you’ll have a much easier time monitoring your progress.2. PrioritizeIdentify your most important tasks and projects and devote the majority of your workday to those projects. Try and schedule smaller and smaller chunks of time for the less important or logistical things that can suck so much of your day away if you let them. Focus on the big stuff. Tackle your big goals first and then replace them with other, bigger goals. Don’t get caught up in the small stuff.3. Commute smarterIf you can’t take a train or a bus and read or work while you commute, try scheduling mobile meetings while you’re stuck in traffic or listening to audiobooks to help you further your career or education. You could even use your drive time brainstorming how best to structure your workday once you get to your desk.4. Hit pauseNobody can be a progress machine 8  hours a day, 7  days a week. Breaks are absolutely necessary to recharge. Take a walk, grab a snack or water or a cup of coffee, have a five minute non-work-related chat. Clear your head, but don’t dawdle. Hit the refresh button, shake the clutter from your head, and then get back to work.5. Sta y positiveThere will be conflicts, crises that distract you, coworkers who annoy you, tasks you just don’t like. Accept these things as a part of any job, and part of life. Get past them as quickly as you can and devote yourself to focusing on the goals that are important to you. Be confident and have a cheerful attitude as you tackle obstacles.6. Say thank youNo matter how hard you’re working, chances are you’ve had some help along the way. Remember to thank the people who have supported and helped spur you along to greatness. Keeping people on your side will only help you as you build your empire of success.7. Stay focusedIt’s so easy to get side-tracked by memes and office politics and gossip. Don’t let yourself default to social media while at work- save that for your couch time once your work is done. Don’t waste precious time on stupid things. You only have this one work day!8. Stay humbleYou can’t do everything and you don†™t know it all. Be open and receptive to improvement and to learning new things. Approach each new workday with the mindset of getting better at some aspect of your job, however incrementally. Your progress will surprise you.9. Celebrate the minor victoriesMake sure that when you meet each goal, you take a moment to celebrate its completion. Set yourself small challenges and take a moment to give yourself a high five when you successfully defeat them. It will propel you to keep at it. And it will help you remain patient in the face of unforeseen adversity the next time an obstacle pops up.